Easter Basket

Thought I would take a moment to document DJs Easter basket for 2014. I can’t believe she’s already two and a half and ready for these types of things.

Included in her basket is sunscreen, 6 pack of bubbles, jump rope, a kite, and a pack of headbands. Lastly a chocolate Easter bunny. I think she will love trying to play with some of these!

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Second Birthday

What a wonderful update to be able to provide.  DJ is now two!  This is a very old post but I wanted to remember how we celebrated this past year.

We threw a surprise party for J at the park with all our family and friends.  Drinks, snacks, lawn chairs, and popcorn for the movie!

DJ Turns 2

DJ Turns 2

An update at age 2:

Physical update:

36″ Tall


Walking and running everywhere!


Yes , DJ still had a pacifier (or a bye-bice as she called it).  She didn’t use it all the time, but as you will see from pictures, it still was around.  Luckily, shortly after the birthday, the pacifiers all got “lost” and within one night we pretty much were done with them.    


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In addition to the birthday party we threw for J at the park, we also stayed home and opened presents on her actual birthday.  I made a pink pound cake with two candles.  DJ loved all the birthday banners in the house!

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Fall Football

It is officially fall! With that has come football season and DJ has learned how to cheer on our favorite teams. She gets very excited every weekend when we watch the games. Today driving home from daycare DJ said, look footballs !!!! Since we were just driving down the road we were a bit confused until we realized she was talking about the shape of the lamp at the top of all the light posts!!

Front Landscaping Project – River Rocks

The past couple weeks we have finally gotten back to working on some house projects. We finally pulled out all the monkey grass (loriape) that was lining the sidewalk. It seemed to always be full of bugs and dirt so it just made sense to pull it all out. In its place we decided to invest in white river rock to help keep the area clean. I love the way it has opened up the front walk. The area seems more modern and brighter! More updates to come!

Baby Beds

Finally set up this set of 50 year old doll beds for DJ this weekend. They were my moms that have been saved. DJ loves playing with all her babies and putting them to sleep. We don’t have any hand towels or blankets that are safe in the house. She loves them and has been so careful with this special gift.

Talking in sentences

This week, DJ has started really combing three or more words into sentences. It is so cute.

Today the conversations went like this:

Momma big girl,
Deedee (DJ) big girl,
Daddy is Josh.

My back has been hurting and I have been telling her I can’t pick her up. Now she says “My neck hurts”. When J corrected her to say, isn’t it mommy’s neck that hurts? She quickly said “momma neck better, deedee neck hurts”.
